Monday, April 23, 2012

UNTITLED First Draft Stats

Here are the writing stats for the very first draft of UNTITLED.
  • 45 writing days starting on February 20, 2012 and ending on April 23, 2012
  • Total word count = 83,594
  • Most amount of words written in a sitting = 5,027
  • Least amount of words written in a sitting = 196
Every time I sit down to write I like to get at least 1,000 words or more done. Of course there are days when I wrote below that, which is fine. Sometimes the words just don't flow out. I usually take the weekends off, though there were a few Saturdays I was able to get some writing in.

In regards to the title, I think I finally decided on ELPIS, which is the Greek word for "Hope." It makes the most sense to this first book, though I'm not entirely sure I like it as the overall series name. We'll see, but from now on UNTITLED will now officially be called ELPIS.